Free debt advice at HFCAB
Hammersmith & Fulham Citizens Advice Bureau offers free impartial advice on a range of issues that cause people difficulties including debt and money concerns. We offer free advice from specialist team of qualified and accredited Debt Advisers.
Of course, if you are able to do so we would encourage you to go online to find advice but please be aware that some debt solution providers will charge you and some will not be impartial. We have seen clients who have been paying debt solution providers to help them for months, with no reduction in their debts. So, how easily can you spot a debt advice provider that could even leave you in a worse position?
We think that if just one of the following points applies to the website you are looking at then the alarm bells should ring.
Does the website clearly show the following?
1. An explanation of their fees
2. Details of their complaints policy
3. A clear message that any debt option will affect your credit rating
4. Contact details of the debt charities as an alternative
5. A link to the guide ‘Dealing with Creditors’ as recommended by the Money Advice Service (in a prominent position on the home page of any debt management advice website).
6. A telephone number to call, that is UK based and with an address to write to.
7. Details of their Consumer Credit Licence and membership with a trade association such as DEMSA or DRF.
Do the one minute test: Try Googling ‘free debt advice’ and compare a few debt advice websites. Best of all, if you’d like free, impartial advice from a charity dedicated to helping you solve any money problems with no fees at all, contact us on 020 7835 1322 or see the debt section on our website for extensive information on your rights and options for dealing with debt.
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