
Our Projects & Funders

Citizens Advice Hammersmith & Fulham is extremely grateful for funding it receives from all partners to deliver advice services to Hammersmith & Fulham residents.

We receive our core funding from the Council’s 3rd Sector Investment Fund under the service area of Economic Wellbeing & Opportunity. We have been funded by Hammersmith & Fulham Council since our inception in 1939, enabling us to meet the advice needs of H & F residents for nearly 80 years.  We are funded under a 10 year grant agreement, which assures the provision of key advice services to the local community and provides us with a stable foundation upon which we can leverage additional funds and increase the range of services available to local residents.

In addition to our core funding, Citizens Advice Hammersmith & Fulham (CAHF) is funded to run a number of specific projects on behalf of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF) and other agencies including Charitable Trusts and Foundations. Our projects and their funders are listed below.

Young Lives vs Cancer

CAHF delivers a helpline service to Young Lives vs Cancer, the national charity that helps and supports children and young people suffering from cancer, and their families. Read more